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Safari Club International Convention – Las Vegas!

We’re just returning from Las Vegas from the SCI convention – and what a convention it was.

Everything you want for a hunting experience is on showcase. You can book a hunt in Africa or anywhere in the world and they are all in one big place. Then go and buy the gun you will need for that hunt. The show floor was on two levels without a spare inch of room left.

We did our two days of seminars packed to doors at each one. Everyone loved the animations because they made so much sense. And no one had ever thought about looking behind the gun or across the gun. What a revelation for everyone – even the folks we had taught years ago.

We had a few folks who we had taught in California 15 years ago and they were surprised about the new information. They asked why we didn’t tell them all this good stuff back then and we explained that this is all new stuff just learned about in the last few years. They need to come to take a lesson more than every 15 years. That’s a better idea!

Everyone thinks you are supposed to look down that barrel. We spend about 95 percent of our time in clinics getting people to develop a new habit of looking at the target with a slight awareness of the gun instead of looking straight down that barrel then trying to find the target and then getting the barrel in front. Ha! That makes shooting a shotgun so much harder. As in every other seminar, the first thing everyone wants to do is to go shoot.

We had people from all over the states come to the seminars and then as we saw them on the floor, we talked again. It’s so much fun to watch as everyone watches the animations then it starts to make so much sense and then they get so excited about shooting.

That’s what we try to do: put the fun back in shooting.

We’ll let you know how the next week goes and what we learn each day.
