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Press On

The anticipation circuit in the brain can alter behavior as it is happening. And the better your moves are, the easier you’re making it on the circuit to correct!

When you give in to evaluation, however, learning and performance stop because you are no longer anticipating, but reacting!

When you give in to circumstances, learning and performance stop! When approaching insurmountable odds (wind, rain, sun, etc.) you must go into the situation with the attitude of “what will I learn today?”

No expectation. Do the best I can on every shot. What will I learn today that will help me on another day when I have to face this again?

Because you will see it again!

I have shot two perfect scores in my sporting competitive career and actually won HOA with a 63/100. And I was prouder of that score than almost all of my others!

Why? It showed me what I could do if I just kept trying regardless of results and giving every shot my best effort. I learned a lot that day.

Regardless of the result, I will keep trying everything I can think of. And I’ll keep performing with all confidence without evaluation of what has happened!

I will forget the bad as well as the good and press on.

