Crunch Time!
Crunch time has arrived. Our calendar is full and fishing is out for a while. Oh well. We are on our journey of constant discovery.
Each day is a new one. We think we have heard it all and then it happens and a student either asks a question that we have not heard or interprets something we said in a way we had never thought about. That’s why we call this a journey. There is no end, and what a great time we are having.
Brian is in Phoenix doing clinics for two days and Gil and I are off to Northern California to Camanche Hills for three days of teaching. Did I mention the club is near the wine country? Maybe we will have a little time to go visit some of our favorite wineries.
Practicing Your Gun Mount
One thing that came up this week is gun mount. “Why doesn’t it come up in the same place each time on my shoulder?” a student asked.
“When was the last time you practiced your gun mount?” I asked.
“Well, it’s been a while,” the student said. “But I had practiced it a lot in the past.”
Guess what, folks? You must keep practicing your gun mount more than three times a year. Our competitive shooters have that gun in their hands each day and their gun mounts are perfect because they are constantly practicing and keeping the myelin sheath strong and not allowing it to degrade.
So if you want the gun mount to be perfect, and more importantly, not have to think about it each time you go to mount the gun, do your gun mounts each day.
I know when we were competing, we did the flashlight drill each day so I didn’t have to ever think about it. Now I still don’t have to think about it so I can keep all 100 percent of my focus on hitting the target.
Remember, you only have 100 percent of focus to give. If 50 percent is on the gun mount, you only have 50 percent to focus on the target. That amounts to a score of 50 percent.
If you don’t know what the flashlight drill is, go to the Knowledge Vault and watch it. If you are not a member, there is a 7-day free trial. So get in there and see all the words of wisdom that are keyword searchable.
The Value of the Coaching Hour
Also, we have been doing the Coaching Hour since 2001 and have had the hours transcribed into paperback books. One student called the other day after reading one year and was astounded by the amount of information in just one year.
This is where we get all our ideas. This Coaching Hour is a conference call once a month where we all share ideas. You are missing out by not reading at least one year of the Coaching Hour books.
Once you read one, you will want more so be ready to order more. It’s like eating potato chips – you can’t read just one.
Have a good week and practice your gun mounts.