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Busy, Busy, Busy!

Whew, what a busy and active three weeks!

We went to a new club near Raleigh, North Carolina called Drake Landing. A wonderful club with a great staff and great targets. There were a lot of crossers, which is the number one reason people come to our clinics: to learn how to shoot those nasty crossers.

We met so many new friends and students and haven’t had that much southern fried chicken in quite a while. When in North Carolina, eat like a Carolinian.

Once again, we spent a lot of time getting the gun out of everyone’s face. Why is it that so many people want to start with the gun complexly mounted to the shoulder and face?

You can’t see the target until after it gets past the barrel. Then panic begins and you chase the target. You can’t chase the target if you start in front and stay in front. Always keep your nose on the target as your eyes focus over your nose.

Don’t tell me you can see the target with your head on the stock and your eyes cut back toward the trap. You can maybe see it, but you can’t focus on it until it gets over your nose.

So, nose on target, and as the target gets close to the gun, match the speed and take the shot. That is constantly being repeated over and over and over again.

We got home for two days, during one of which we taught 18 students from the Gonzales ISD – yes, shooting in the school. They drove on the big yellow school bus for two hours to meet with Gil, Brian, and me for an all-day shooting school. We will be helping them get ready for the FFA national tournament in June.

The next day we were off to South Carolina to Palmetto Outdoors, whose name was Live Oaks Sporting Clays. The clays course was completely redone with the new owners.

There were several repeat offenders and many newbies. And a lot of smiles by the end of the three days. We almost made it through the weekend without rain, but it caught us on Sunday. So we quit a little early, which was okay since we had a flight home that evening.

Unfortunately, the storms were all over the country and we were delayed hours. But we made it home to sleep in our own bed. All is good other than we had to get up early to meet with our new Facebook Lady on Monday at 9 AM.

We are going to get more involved in Facebook so “Like” our page and watch for new things happening.

And don’t forget about the Knowledge Vault 7-day FREE Trial!

We’re off to another new club for us – Purgatory Gun Club in southwest Utah. To another great adventure!
