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A Great Year of Learning

Whew, what a great year of learning 2017 has been!

We have traveled a lot; we met so many great people this year and added five new clubs, so all is good. We’re still recouping from Harvey, getting back to our field ever-so-slowly, but we are going to take a few days off and fish.

Thanksgiving has come and gone with family and a few days of fishing and relaxing.

But not for long, since Brian had a gig in Florida for five days and left the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Christmas will be here soon. Until then, we are back at work. Students are realizing that the OSP Knowledge Vault has tons of material to help everyone get better. It’s all there and is keyword searchable so you can find anything you need to improve your shooting.

For 7 days it’s FREE, so what are you waiting for? Do you need a great gift for Christmas?

The Coaching Hour podcasts that we have been recording since 2001 are wonderful and students who are listening to them are getting better. They’re realizing how much information is in the hour-long recordings. And there are a lot of them — 182 hours of learning in one place.

I’ll let you know how the fishing is in the next blog.


Slight Cheek Pressure
Consistent Transitions