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Doing a Little Fishing

We are taking some time off and doing a little fishing. Since it is winter and all the bait fish have gone out of the bays, we have to change what we are doing to catch the fish that are left behind.

That means I have to learn how to throw the new bigger heavier lure called a Corky or Fat Boy. It’s about four inches long and has not one, but two treble hooks on it. Just as I’m used to one hook, we have added five. Oh, joy!

Well, the first thing is Gil got me a longer rod and a new reel and a different line, so I have three different things to contend with.

I love the longer rod because it helps me throw really far, and the new reel with the new line… not so much. The new reel is pretty smooth and retrieves a lot faster than the one I was using. So, I like that, but the new line is different, and the new reel doesn’t like it so much. Or perhaps it’s the operator who is having the trouble. Just saying!

I was off to the pier to practice over and over again. And if it didn’t feel right, I did it again. Sound familiar?

It was pretty ugly for many casts. That reel looked like a wasp’s nest instead of a reel. Now, over the years I have become the Queen of Backlashes and can get them out relatively quickly, but what a mess! I didn’t have a small backlash; I had the whole reel all messed up, but I only spoke ugly about this once or twice.

What I did was slow down and became smooth rather than try to throw too hard. There is also a rhythm to this new bait and I had to learn that, too.

Oh my, does the learning ever end? Let’s hope not.

It’s been a challenge but I have persevered. I will get this down and have great pictures to prove it.

It’s all about deliberate practice! We have been talking about deliberate practice on the Coaching Hour for the past few months, so listen to them on the Knowledge Vault.
