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Three for Three at Kiowa Creek

We had a great three days at Kiowa Creek in Denver, Colorado for all three of us. And we were especially happy that it didn’t snow on us. We will be back the same weekend next year, so put it on the calendar for 2019.

A lot of good learning and “a-ha’s” with the help of the animations each morning. A lot of students didn’t realize that they were not to look down the gun barrel when shooting and didn’t realize how much they were looking at the gun barrel in their setup. The more attention to the barrel in the setup, the more you will look at it in the shot.

I know we have been saying that forever, but students still don’t realize how much they are looking at it. Do the Three-Bullet Drill and learn to accept the barrel in the picture without looking at it. You should only have a 2 to 5 percent awareness of the barrel; it is a part of the picture, just not a big amount.

We cannot stress the Three-Bullet Drill and Flashlight Drill enough. They improve students’ scores so much faster. But it is so hard to get them to do it for any length of time.

Also, the Clay Kill Shot Reviews on the Knowledge Vault are amazing, and those students that are watching them are experiencing great scores. The simple things matter the most, and they won’t watch them or do them enough.

The answers to the test are on the Knowledge Vault, so get on there and watch what you are (literally) missing.

We are on our way to Drake Landing near Raleigh, NC, and will be doing some more ShotKam videos to put up on the Knowledge Vault, so look for them in the future.
