What’s Going On at OSP
Mother’s Day brought us back to Houston after being at Drake Landing in North Carolina for three days of learning. Great place, great people and good targets in the hills… and for a flatlander, sometimes it was a little scary. LOL.
The animations were once again the ticket for speed learning and then being able to put it into play. Several students have really progressed by watching the Kill Shot Reviews on the Knowledge Vault. They were so excited that they were not getting the jitters on the first stand because they had a plan and had seen it all come together over and over again on the Knowledge Vault.
If you are not a member, you should be. Check it out for a 7-day trial subscription.
The next weekend brought us to a new club for us at Oak Creek Sporting Club in Brainard, NE. The club itself is not new, but new to us. We got there Thursday afternoon and took a tour so we could plan out the next morning. They have a great clubhouse to start our day with a big-screen TV for the animations to get everyone on the same page.
We had two coaches for our new Coach Mentoring Program where you pay for one day and audit the next day. We will take you to dinner and talk about how to be a better coach for the high school teams.
This program is starting to take off and these two coaches learned not only how to shoot well but also how the kids learn and what words to use for them to understand what they need to do. This also gets the coaches on the same page so they say the same thing rather than confusing the kids by each coach saying something different.
We know it really works because the kids and coaches in Houston who are in the program are winning in their competitions. This is offered at each of our clinics. So if you are a coach and want to improve both your shooting and your students’ shooting, come and join us.
We were home for a few days and were able to go to the bay and fish one day. But then the winds began to blow a gale, so no more fishing. A visitor also arrived in his helicopter, which created quite a stir when he landed it in the lot next door.
Today we are off to Wisconsin to teach at J&H Game Farm for the next three days with each day fully booked, and we have three coaches for the Mentoring Program. Maybe it will be a little cooler than Houston where we went from cool mornings to July summer heat in five days. So much for spring!
Stay tuned for what we learn next, because each time we think we have heard it all, it turns out we haven’t and we learn something new.