April – Frozen to Blustery!
Gil and Brian got home from teaching the kids of SCTP in Frozen Butt, Iowa. After I taught the novice clinic and Easter coming up, we started a Coaching Hour on Wednesday. But there was so much static after 15 minutes, we decided no one could hear anything. So we decided to do it on Thursday.
Everyone hung up but Dan Paxton and myself. Then the static was gone. So, Gil got back on the phone and told several people that were talking to get back on, and we did another 45 minutes.
On Thursday, we did it all over again with no static, so be sure and go to the Knowledge Vault and listen to them. They were really good, with a lot of information.
We then came to the bay on Good Friday, hoping to fish a little. But like we have said to so many of you, “patience and let it happen.”
The winds have been horrible each day, and when you could go out in the boat or on the pier, the winds were blowing 20-30 miles an hour.
Saturday was fairly decent, so we took the boat out, but the water was so dirty that no fish were caught. On Sunday the winds were high again, so we only fished off the pier. Not even a bite. But we enjoyed the bay and rested a few days before we go to a new club for us in Kentucky called Jefferson County Sportsmen’s Club. So if you are in the area, come by and say hi!