Make Progress or Make Excuses!
One of the reasons you can’t learn from any book or coach is that you must see how these emotions and circumstances manifest themselves in you.
It is not the end of recognizing the problem that you need to know to avoid the problem. It is the beginning of the real breakdown that you must become aware of and how it gets in with you. Because it will be different for everyone, you must experience it for yourself several times to recognize the beginning of it!
A good coach can help you become aware of where the problem begins for you. They all are a result of evaluating while performing!
If you can, find a coach who has helped hundreds of shooters figure out the beginning of the rabbit trails that shooters go down. Get a coach who finds the debilitating physiological and psychological actions that undermine shooters when performing, and at all costs, spend time with them!
So the best coach you can have is one that understands how far your fundamentals will get you and where and what you need to change to get farther. And a coach that can let you make mistakes in a certain way so that you learn more about yourself and your tendencies so you can never lose, but either win or learn.
There are only two options: make progress or make excuses!