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The Anticipation Circuit

When we ask shooters to describe what they see that tells them to send the shot, they usually say “I see the front of the target” or “I see the target get really clear.” But they don’t describe any sequence of events leading up to sending the shot.

Let’s inject a little phrase here that we will be revisiting later: if there is not a planned sequence of events leading up to sending the shot, the brain cannot anticipate when to pull the trigger.

This leads to the argument as the shot is coming together. And when the argument begins, the shooter switches from the unconscious part of the brain to the conscious part of the brain.

“So, what difference does that make?” some of you may be asking. To really understand this, we must get a little scientific about the amount of time it takes for the conscious and unconscious part of the brain to actually function.

The conscious part of the brain takes 200 to 300 milliseconds to function, while the unconscious brain takes only five milliseconds to function! Adding to that, there is a part of the unconscious that is constantly anticipating a minimum of 80 milliseconds ahead of where you are. And the more familiar it is with the circumstances it finds itself in, the farther and farther ahead it can anticipate.

Here’s one other little fact that few know or realize. This anticipation circuit, when it finds itself in familiar predicted circumstances, has the ability to alter human behavior as it is happening.
