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Our Simple System

The OSP system is not a system of complex leads. It’s not a system of gun speed being faster than bird speed. It’s very simple: 70-yard line, nose on the target, be early, as it comes stabilize the picture, pull the trigger, front edge in the breakpoint.

This is a system that can be applied to almost any target out there. There’s a slight variation on a few targets. But by and large, all the targets are coming to you.

You may have to speed the gun up a little bit. You may have to run with the target a little bit on certain presentations. But we have tried to design a system that is so simple that it cannot only be done without conscious thought, but it can be corrected without thought, or without making decisions.

So, if you combine the system with a ritual of getting ready to go compete and not changing anything, your chances of being able to be in that zone or being able to make good critical decisions have to go up.


This is an excerpt from the February 2013 Coaching Hour podcast. You can listen to it and read a written transcript, along with more than 20 years of archived episodes with your Knowledge Vault membership.
