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Imagine what your car would be doing if you merged in front of the car like your gun barrel merges in front of a target.

When I tell people this and they finally get it, they begin laughing. But what we’re teaching you to do is to actually merge that gun in front of that target. However, instead of coming from too close to the target and pushing out, it’s more letting the target come to you, and you use that merging circuit that you’ve developed your whole life of merging into the freeway ahead of the spot.

When you start thinking about the things you do in your life, seldom in your life do you let the action get ahead of you, and then you have to catch up to it.

Everything you do you’re cutting things off. You always want to be ahead of the action, because if you’re ahead of the action, you’ve got plenty of time to react to anything that might change. If you’re behind the action, you’re in panic mode, which is the left brain. It’s not good.

I can’t stress enough the importance of being really clear to your brain about what you’re asking it to do. And this is why our animations have so much impact on new shooters and people who have never been with us before. They finally understand what it’s supposed to look like.


This is an excerpt from the July 2013 Coaching Hour podcast. You can listen to it and read a written transcript, along with more than 20 years of archived episodes with your Knowledge Vault membership.
