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The Post-Shot Routine and Happiness

When you visualize what the shot will look like (not necessarily the lead but what the end picture is going to look like) you know you’re going to be looking at that bird away from that gun.

Being able to visualize exactly what that shot is going to look like according to the techniques you’re using makes the emotional part of the post-shot routine more effective. The better the visualization in the pre-shot routine, the easier the emotional reaction to the success, which in turn, imprints more quickly and more deeply in the post-shot routine.

The post-shot routine is where the happiness should occur to give the subconscious a clear picture of exactly what makes you happy. But when we see people shoot, we don’t see strong, positive post-shot routines. What we typically see are negative emotional reactions to failure. And nothing is more confusing to your subconscious than that. The guy who you want to play for you in the game is confused by that.

The clearer your goals are and the more consistent your emotional reactions are to what occurs, the better your conscious will get the picture of exactly what you want.

This game is riddled with people who go to the tournament and hope to shoot a good score. They’re never in the present; therefore, they are continually disappointed, and their subconscious is so confused because it’s getting mixed signals at best.

Be very clear with your goals and your emotions when you’re shooting, and invest in the correct reactions in your post-shot routine.

The post-shot routine is probably the most forgotten routine out there. And in many ways, getting into that zone deeper and deeper, it’s probably one of the most important ones because it really defines to your subconscious brain what makes you happy.

If you don’t ever pat your subconscious brain on the back, it’s eventually going to shut down. Be aware of that.

This is an excerpt from the September 2012 Coaching Hour podcast. You can listen to it and read a written transcript, along with more than 20 years of archived episodes with your Knowledge Vault membership.
