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Beyond Targets: Life Lessons from Shotgunning

Shotgunning is about more than just hitting targets; it’s a gateway to invaluable life lessons. For young athletes, especially those in college, shooting can teach honesty, discipline, and how to learn from failure.

But here’s the catch: you get out of this game what you put into it. This isn’t just about investing time and money; it’s about a deeper personal commitment.

It starts with a simple question: why are you in this sport? If it’s for someone else or for reasons that aren’t your own, you might be looking in the wrong direction. Personal motivation is key.

When young athletes envision shooting as a lifelong sport, something they can be passionate about, it’s not just about breaking clays. It’s about building character. And remember, passion can’t be taught, only nurtured.


The road from local tournaments to the U.S. Open is not a straight shot. It’s a journey of consistent effort, gradual improvement, and understanding that skill development is a marathon, not a sprint.


As Daniel Coyle explains in “The Talent Code,” skill circuits in our brains are developed through myelination, a process that requires repetitive practice and learning from failures.


So, if you’re guiding a young shooter, help them to understand that failure isn’t just inevitable, it’s necessary. It’s the bedrock on which success is built, in shooting and in life.
