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Why Are You Scrambling?

In our sport, lots of shooters impulsively close their gun and call “pull,” proceeding to hurriedly track the targets and trying to hastily correct their shot at the last moment. This often leads to confusion as to why there’s no improvement in their performance.
We typically start by asking our clients if they feel they’re scrambling after the targets. This usually results in a moment of self-awareness. Although reluctant to admit, they often acknowledge it with a hesitant “Yes, sometimes.”
Our response to this is straightforward: “You can’t get ahead of something by starting behind it. And if hitting the target requires being in front of it, why start from behind?”
We then get into a critical part: whether they consciously devise a plan before starting. This question often catches them off guard. They might confirm, albeit uncertainly, that they sometimes plan.
“Do you stick to your plan, or do you lose focus on it at the crucial moment of aiming and shooting?” we continue. They’ll often concede that although they intend to follow a plan, the fear of missing often overshadows their strategy.
This mindset is a key reason why many shooters plateau at a success rate of 64-75 percent and struggle to advance. They rarely practice single shots with a clear and detailed visualization of the desired outcome. Instead, they focus more on practicing pairs, justifying that since the game involves pairs, it makes sense to train that way. However, this is a misconception.
These shooters often neglect to select a breakpoint for the first target that would optimally position them for the second target, minimizing necessary movement. They perform adequately on familiar courses at their local clubs, which are typically designed with recreational shooters in mind. However, their practice success doesn’t translate into competition settings, leading to disappointment.