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The Rhythm in Your Routine

It is not so much what is in your routine that is important, but the rhythm of your routine that allows your brain to know exactly when you will be calling.
This in turn allows the brain to begin doing its job before you call “pull” without you even knowing what it is doing. You have been there, but you did not know how you got there. And when you recognized you were in the zone, you got careful and overthought your way right out of it.
The reality of what happened was when you began to think, you bypassed all the little things that the brain does before you call “pull.” And just like that, you were out of the zone because you were trying to think your way to breaking the targets.
As coaches, we are in the zone when we coach so it gives us an understanding of how to enter it and sustain it. We understand it better now than we ever have, and that understanding allows us to open the door to the zone for so many shooters and coaches!