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Don’t Go Down the Negative Road

You can’t be mediocre and then show up at the tournament on Sunday and be excellent. Excellence is a way of life. You gotta strive to be excellent at everything. This doesn’t mean you’re going to be perfect at it.

You can give it all to God and say, “I trust you, I’m going to do what I can do. And if there’s something you need me to do, you need to let me know.” There are a lot of ways you can deal with that, and it’s so easy to go down that negative road.

I’ve never met a negative peak performer. It’s a way of life. It’s a way of looking at things. You just need to challenge yourself. The emotional things are in your mind and they’re eating you up.

But eventually, you’re going to have to reconcile the fact that you can’t control what’s going on in the country or the world. You can only control what you do. When you finally begin to realize what all that pent-up negativity does to you physiologically, it’s horrible.

When you get upset, the brain says, “Uh-oh, he’s pissed, we need to give him some cortisol.” And all that does is deepen the state and make it worse. It makes your heart rate go up, and makes your blood pressure go up. You can’t focus on anything. And once you give in to that cortisol injection for 20 minutes or so, guess what? There’s so much of it in your system you can’t get out of it.
