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Responding to a Compliment

When you shoot well and you get a compliment you should always attach your gratitude to that person.

First, you have to look them in the eye and say, “Thank you for noticing.” And it needs to be sincere. We’ve always tried to help people to attach their good score to several specific things that I’ve been working on as an affirmation to their brain and self-image.

“Hey, your hard work has paid off, man. I’ve been working on my routine. I’ve been really being true to my breakpoints and I was successful today on every station on making my plan and absolutely 100 percent trusting my process.” 

To be able to make an affirmation like that after a good performance instills a lot of confidence in what you’ve been working on and what you made the affirmation about.

To say “I struggled” is an honest comment.

“Yeah, I was a little off today. You know, as long as I’ve been shooting tournaments every now and then I just have one of those days where my biorhythms are off. I ain’t been shooting well today. But the thing that I do know is tomorrow’s gonna be a different day, because I’m going to always come back and shoot well after I’ve had one of these off days.”

Making light of it like that is a way to handle tha situation.

