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Well, it’s been a while since I have communicated with you, but I am not sorry. Vicki’s mom passed away on December 31st after a long battle with dementia and cancer.
I learned a few things. Death never comes at a convenient time and in so many ways it is a very cleansing thing. It’s something we all must go through and Vicki faced it head-on with her mom and got through it!
We are back and many things have happened. We’re looking forward to the coming year and the things we will inevitably learn from each of you.
The Advanced Classes are shaping up and we are so looking forward to seeing all of you there. I will be doing the final voice-overs on four kill shot reviews for doves and four for pigeons. I will add them to the Knowledge Vault this week or the beginning of next week.
There will be 15 separate shots in each video. 120 new videos separated into left to right, right to left, going away and incoming. As soon as I feel better we will be doing more clay target ShotKam footage on crossing shots at different known yardages.
I tried to get some more duck footage in Guatemala last week but it was a bust. We did get to catch some sailfish. What fun!
Our first Argentina trip is full and our second is half-full. So if you’re thinking about coming, make your mind up soon. We will be going to Tomas Frontera’s lodges that we visited last year and we are so looking forward to that.
We have established a format that will allow us to put up a lot of kill shot videos at one time and we will begin to implement this plan in the next few days. The new website framework is almost finalized and we are optimistic that it will be up and online soon.
What a depressing journey this has been. I am still amazed at the number of people who have just lied to us about their ability to produce what we need. But we are very close.
If you see anything that needs to be addressed then let Marlene know.