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You Live in the Past!

You don’t know this because your brain lies to you and then covers up the lies, which is a good thing. If your brain didn’t fudge reality, you wouldn’t be able to hit a baseball, drive a car, or even carry on a conversation.

It takes about 80 milliseconds for the brain to generate consciousness, to take the information flowing in, and construct a model of reality from moment to moment. Everything you think is happening now already happened 80 milliseconds ago, and you are just now becoming aware of it — over and over again.

Since you live in the past, it should be impossible to do things like hit a baseball or duck a punch, yet athletes do these sorts of things all the time.

Professional baseball players and boxers don’t have faster reaction times than the average human being. No human being can make the circuit from eyes to brain to muscles fast enough to hit a ball in midflight or avoid an oncoming fist. You can’t change those natural limits with any amount of practice. So how do they do it?

Practice strengthens intuition, not reaction times. Even among chess players, practice builds up a cognitive database that unconsciously informs our decisions and reactions. Experience and mastery are demonstrations of a robust, well-trained unconscious mind that senses tiny cues in the environment and then prepares an action that will occur later, syncing up reality the way you stitch together sounds and sights. All sports are a display of brains predicting the future based on intuition built up by practice – brains compensating for lag by seeing what is happening now, before the ball is thrown, before the punch is launched, and making the best guess on what will happen later.

So what you actually see is a decision by the brain based on practice or previous experiences. Expert athletes are 35% faster and 31% more accurate in complex decision-making than non-athletes.
