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Is It a Mental Problem?

So, you think you have a mental problem or your mental game needs to be improved?

You might think this is the only way you can explain the missing targets you know how to break in clutch situations. While you might have a mental problem, let’s look at your overall entire game before we use what we see as the easiest cop-out in our game.

When shooters come to us for an evaluation of their shooting game, looking for a way to get better or achieve a higher class or improve their consistency, one of the first things we discuss is what they do in practice and how often they do something to improve their shooting game. As we have said in many places, there is a direct correlation between the way you practice and the way you perform.

Most shooters’ evaluation of their ability is in many ways a little (or in some cases a lot) higher than reality. And their commitment to improve their ability is in the work they continue to avoid!

You don’t just show up one day and produce excellence in shooting – or anything, for that matter. To produce excellence in your shooting, you must begin to accept nothing less than excellence in everything you do – not just in your shooting game, but in practice and becoming a positive person on and off the course.

Mastery occurs when you have made a conscious effort by choice to change who you are into someone who, regardless of the situation, can control your brain well enough to develop ways to turn every situation into a positive. You must begin to train your mind to be stronger than your feelings.
