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Consistent Work on Your Fundamentals

We ran across an interesting thought not long ago. If you do something to improve your shooting game for 15 minutes a day every day for a year, you will be better than 95 percent of the people out there.

This brings us back to the reality that there is a direct correlation between how and what you practice and how you perform physically. Regardless of which professional athlete we research and study, they all are relentless when it comes to revisiting fundamentals on an overwhelmingly frequent basis.

But here is the big cop-out for most shooters who are stuck in mediocrity in their shotgun game: “I’m six inches away from being a champion,” inferring that the six inches between their ears is what is keeping them from getting to the top of the game.

So, here is your taste of reality as we said earlier: the magic you are looking for is in the work you are not doing. Until you are at the range three to four days a week shooting single targets moving the breakpoints and predicting where and how you want the shot to come together, don’t kid yourself; you don’t have a mental problem.

While you can work on being positive with respect to how you react to what happens to you and how you remember what happens to you, until you make the commitment to make your simple fundamentals so subconscious and flawless, all the mental effort will be wasted.

Consistent, relentless work on basic fundamentals is the foundation of every champion out there, regardless of arena. We see shooters who have the best equipment money can buy but what they don’t understand is that until what you do with the equipment happens without you having to think your way through it, you will not experience much success.

Don’t complain about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do!
