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the one, the only, the very best!

Knowledge Vault

What is the

Knowledge Vault?

Some have called it the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Some have called it the mysterious unicorn.

Some have even called it “the very best online database and learning platform for shotgun sport shooters.”

Our answer:
THE Best and Largest Online Portal for Shotgun Training – Anywhere!

Annual Subscription $200/year

Included in your subscription:

  • Thousands of video tutorials, ShotKam videos, and vivid animations with voice-over instruction in a pleasing sequence.
  • Direct access to Gil, Vicki and Brian Ash.
  • Access to over 200 Coaching Hour podcasts.
  • Access to our lively and active member forum.
  • Specific training for shotgun sports and wing shooting.
  • One-of-a-kind Virtual Shot Simulator.
  • Access to unique resources such as Books & DVDs.

One Video is worth 10,000 words:

And so much more!

Keep scrolling to see more about the OSP Knowledge Vault.

What Our Knowledge Vault Members Are Saying:

Hover your mouse over a testimonial to pause it.

The OSP Knowledge Vault (KV) by itself is an incredible library and storehouse of videos, instructional articles, books, blogs, and training animations - keyword searchable. OSP also conducts a monthly call-in "Coaching Hour" which now has 20+ years of content…

- Grant O

OSP’s Knowledge Vault (KV) provides a constant resource of education, experience, visualization, self-awareness, and fellowship. The books, instructional videos, hundreds of articles, and Shot-Kam videos of thousands of clay targets and live birds are worth ten-fold the annual investment. The ability to listen and participate in monthly conference calls known as the Coaching Hours is an invaluable part of my shooting program...

- Doug E

You MUST be asking yourself, “Why haven’t I tried this before?

Straight from the horse's mouth... online podcasts with Team OSP - Gil, Vicki and Brian Ash.

Here are some examples of Coaching Hour podcasts.

One hour visits with Team OSP - Gil, Vicki and Brian Ash


Self-Correction: The Path from 75 to 90
Coaching Hour Sample – April 2017

Gil: We have to go from sage on the stage, to cheerleader on the sideline, to expert in shooting many times during the day in a clinic…

Transcript of this Coaching Hour (pdf)


What Beginners Must Learn
Coaching Hour – November 2014

Gil: Welcome to the coaching hour, November, 2014. I’ve got several, small things of business to talk about, and then we’re going to venture off into our main topic tonight, which is what beginners should …

Transcript of this Coaching Hour (pdf)


Update on New Online Course for Beginners
Coaching Hour Sample – February 2019

Gil: Welcome to the Coaching Hour, February 2019.  Brian has five whiteboards in his office and he’s been filling them out to chart a beginner’s course. He’s pulling videos that we’ve been using in our

Transcript of this Coaching Hour (pdf)


The Evolution of the Challenge Move
Coaching Hour – August 2021

Gil: Okay, so tonight we’re gonna talk to Dean Troutte about how he changed his preload in between pairs. Seems to work for him. I thought it would be an interesting topic for us to talk about. And if any …

Transcript of this Coaching Hour (pdf)

As a supplement to the audio Coaching Hour podcasts, we also have a transcribed written version of every podcast for you to enjoy.

See several examples below.

The Brain Chemistry of Pressure Situations

Click here to see the written transcript excerpt.

The Game Will Tell You Why You’re Underperforming

Click here to see the written transcript excerpt.

Confidence and Negative Thinking

Click here to see the written transcript excerpt.

Fundamentals and Getting Punches

Click here to see the written transcript excerpt.

A Knowledge Vault Member…

I really enjoyed the CH [Coaching Hour] and it definitely helps understand the QE process…I use something similar to Jacks process… I’m going to try QE in the break point also and see how that goes… thanks for the information this forum is very helpful!!

Kevin L.

Have you seen enough?  Your FREE 7-day trial is waiting!

But wait... as mentioned, there's SO MUCH more.

Sample Videos you will find in the Knowledge Vault

There are over 6000 instructional videos in the Knowledge Vault... here are a few.

Eye Jump

101 – L to R Crosser – 2D Animation

101a – L to R Crosser – 2D Animation – Explained

L to R Crosser – 103a: 3D Virtual Animation – Over the Shoulder – Mounting the Gun Early

102 – R to L Crosser – 2D Animation with Vicki

R to L Crosser – 102a: 2D Animation – With Vicki – Visual Confusion

R to L Crosser – 103: 3D Virtual Animation – Over the Shoulder

R to L Crosser – 103a: 3D Virtual Animation – Over the Shoulder – Explained

Podcasts and over 6000 videos…   Convinced yet?

What's better than learning from and sharing your experiences on various topics with fellow enthusiasts?

The Active and Lively Member Forum

Keyword search thousands of topics or start your own thread.

Here is an example of one of the posts. By the way, Gil is VERY active on these posts.

It’s real easy…   Get started on your trial membership – click there ->

And while you're searching the Knowledge Vault, you will see hundreds of articles.

Samples of Articles You'll Find in the Knowledge Vault

You'll find over 500 articles in the Knowledge Vault... here are a few.

Article Topics

Clay Shooting
Understanding Eyes
Tempo, Move, Mount
Visual Speed
Coaching Hour Books
Hunting Stories
Shooting Gear

And remember…
you have the ability to search 
for the information you’re looking for – through thousands of records in the KV .

You’re still here?   It’s time you began your trial membership.

We've saved our secret weapon for last.

Our One-Of-A-Kind Shot Simulator

We've spent hundreds of hours producing and refining these animations. We know you'll enjoy!

107a: L to R Quartering 3D Virtual Animation – Over the Shoulder – Explained

We’re at the end of the page…   There’s even more than we’ve shown.