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Do the Drill!

I know we have talked and talked about everyone doing the flashlight drill and the three-bullet drill and I have a hard time figuring out why no one will do them. They cost nothing other than a ten-dollar mini-mag light and you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

It seems that if there was one simple thing to improve your game, we could get people to do it. Especially before they go to Argentina or quail and dove hunting – or even just to a shoot.

There is so much value in both of these drills. For the ladies, it builds the muscles they will use when mounting the gun. This is something that no trainer can help you build. And it doesn’t cost anything. Spend your money on shells, targets, and lessons.

I can’t do this for you; you have to do this for yourself.

Since you have only 100 percent of focus, and since you don’t have a good gun mount or don’t know the sight picture, most of your percentage of focus has to go to those tasks. That leaves you less to have focus on the target. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

I want my students to be able to have at least a 90-95 percent focus ratio on the target and a 5-10 percent awareness of the gun. We have found over the years that a 95-98 percent focus on the target and a 2-5 percent awareness of the gun is optimal.

So practice your gun mount with the flashlight drill so that it is smooth. And practice the sight pictures that the three-bullet drill gives you.
