Make Your Plan and Shoot Your Plan!
We are leaving to come home after being at Garland Mountain Sporting Clays near Canton, Georgia. Wow, what a beautiful place. Being November, the trees had turned their fall colors, which was lovely.
This was our first trip to this club, but won’t be the last; they asked us to come back twice next year.
We had a great time. It was a little cold on the last day, but it is November and we were in the mountains. We had only two repeat offenders. All the rest were new to us and the OSP system, but all of them embraced it and got it.
It is so much fun to watch the lights go on and the student really knows why they missed a target and why they hit it.
The idea of seeing the target behind the barrel or across the barrel was new. But when they shot and really were stubborn about not taking the shot until they saw that picture, they were amazed at the results. They also were surprised to see how calm they were and only had to think about two things.
The students were self-correcting by noon, or at least most were. Sometimes it takes until 1:30 or 2, but Gil and I just keep them doing it over and over. Don’t worry about breaking the target; just make the correct move.
We talked a lot about being process-oriented, rather than score-oriented. When you go to the score-oriented part of this game, you become very judgmental and that part of the brain can’t run this shooting machine.
If you are judgmental, you are in your short-term memory which won’t work. But if you stay process-oriented you are using your long-term memory, which lets you call on all your past experiences.
Make your plan. Shoot your plan!
Thanks again to Garland Mountain for a wonderful three days. Now Gil, Brian, and I are going to take a little time off and go fishing.