Coaching Hour Transcripts Underway, August Travels and More!
We, meaning all of us in the office plus our new editor Nick, are trying to get the rest of the Coaching Hour transcriptions up on the OSP website. 2001 through 2014 are up and readable, but we have many months to go.
But go look at them. There’s a lot of information is in Coaching Hour from students who have had problems and gotten through them, with suggestions on what they did to solve them. There are also interviews with top shooters and information about how to be a better shooter. Don’t miss out on all this information — it is invaluable, and you will learn some things too.
We have been going nonstop, which I’m sure will not surprise any of you.
All three of us went to Nashville Gun Club to teach. If you’re near Nashville, be sure to stop in at Double Guns of Nashville and talk to Terry Hetrick and his daughter Nicole. They have a fabulous selection of guns and other “must-have” items, so check them out. They’re great people. We have known Terry forever and he is as honest as they come… even though he’s a skeet shooter. Go see him for anything you need.
We had a great time in Nashville with good students; some new and some repeat offenders. We are still amazed at how often students are asked to change shoulders because someone told them they were left-eye dominant but they were not.
We had a gentleman who had changed from shooting right-handed all his life to left-handed because a coach had told him to do so. In the preamble, he said he was having trouble making the switch and he would like to switch back.
Brian had him in his group and had him shooting right-handed by lunch. Everything looked the same from either right-to-left or left-to-right. He was ecstatic! He had not ever shot that well and was so happy to shoot right-handed again. It felt so normal compared to shooting left-handed.
If anyone has been told that they need to change shoulder, please call us and let us talk to you about it.
Then we were off to Pennsylvania to teach at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays. It’s such a great club with lots of target presentations to offer any shooter of any ability. We have been going there for so many years, and the staff is so great. We can’t wait until next year to go again.
On to Bolivia to teach doves in the field and then to shoot pigeons at a new lodge for me. Gil went last year to check it out while I was kid-sitting in Oregon. It’s a beautiful place with lots of birds, so I can’t wait to let you know about it.
Remember to get on the Knowledge Vault and check out the Coaching Hour transcriptions. A lot of knowledge there!