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Shooters Who Want to Learn Too Fast

The more we watch the shooters we work with evolve, the better we get at communicating the little things that speed up that improvement. While each shooter is different, they all must make similar commitments to getting better.

We have shooters who come to us who want to excel at a really fast pace. They want to skip to the advanced moves and information in the beginning. We typically tell them we’re already full. And we give the same answer to shooters who call about our clinics and immediately ask how much we get to shoot.

At the end of the day, the telltale sign of a wannabe fast learner is when they won’t actually do the three-bullet drill every day like we ask them to. When they get to the clinic location, we can tell immediately that they have not done the homework.

Our teaching partner, the late Jerry Meyer, said it this way: “Learning to shoot a shotgun is like straightening crooked teeth — you apply gentle pressure over a long period of time!”

It’s the long period of time that gets most shooters. They want it NOW!
