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Creating and Strengthening New Sequences

Consistently pointing ahead or in front of a steadily moving object is a new sequence in our brains. And like everything else we do, it must be repeated enough times so that it happens without us having to think about it.
Your ability to consistently create this action is not tied to your desire for it to happen, but how many times you have done it and then how many times you have done it deliberately and then how many times you have done it successfully.
Skill is built through repetition, but getting shooters to put in the time it takes to build the skill sequences in their brains is difficult – if not impossible. It takes time and many repetitions for the brain to myelinate a new skill circuit, especially one that is contrary to a similar sequence that we have been using since we were six months old. The desire to point at what we are looking at is strong within all of us and is the most frequent cause for missing a moving target with a shotgun, feathered or painted.