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Commitment to Deliberate Repetition

The magic shooters are looking for is in the work they are not willing to do! There is a difference between comment and commitment, and nothing could illustrate it better than the example we just shared above.

When your brain understands through repetition what it really looks like to hit a moving target, the more you do it, the clearer the picture gets and the better you get. If you put 100 shotgun shooters in a room and ask by show of hands how many would like to be more consistent, they will all raise their hands. But then ask how many are willing to put in 15 minutes every day to get better, and watch the hands fall!

We have had shooters who have consistently put in the time on a daily basis and without exception, those who put in the time on a consistent basis see improvement in competence and consistency. We read somewhere that if you do something for 15 minutes a day every day for a year, that you will be better than 95 percent of the people who are attempting to do it.

As we’ve said before, “We can teach it to you, but we can’t learn it for you!”
