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The Problem with the Pull Away Method of Shooting

I’m amazed at the number of shooters who are still trying to pull away from targets and are erratic at best in their scores. Pull away shooters miss a lot of targets in the last half of a stand and have a difficult time self-correcting.

The older you are, the more you have to train and practice to keep your edge. And the course design has more to do with your score than you do.

If the course has a lot of straight lines and report pairs, you will do fairly well. But not if the majority of the pairs are true pairs. This is because you are not being as efficient getting the gun in the correct place to hit the target. You insert close to the target and as the gun leaves the target, you trigger the shot.

The only way you will be consistent is to have the gun speed be exactly the same on each shot of the pair on that stand as you pull away.

The other big problem with pull away is that you never see what the picture looked like when you actually pull the trigger.
