From Pennsylvania to Iowa
Our trip from Pennsylvania to Des Moines, Iowa was a little less than perfect. We left Allentown, PA after a great four days. Then on to Chicago, then on to Des Moines, Iowa...
Lehigh Valley Shooting Clinic
This is our third or fourth year to come to the limestone quarry known as Lehigh Valley. We once again had four fabulous days with the staff and students. Some were repeaters, but most were new to us. The weather held out and was only rainy...
Being in Flow
On our recent Argentina trip, I found myself on the third day of the pigeon hunt not shooting very well. I guess that's an understatement of my inability to hit anything. After shooting doves for four days and shooting them very well, then two days...
Cardinal Shooting Center – Our First Visit
We visited a new club out of Columbus, Ohio last weekend and found an oasis in the middle of nowhere. This was our first time, and the facility is beautiful and huge. They have a long row of trap ranges where they host three big trap shoots a year....
Baffin Bay
As soon as we got off the plane, we had to drive to Baffin Bay. We had a stop off at our bay house to get all our gear and then drive down past Corpus Christi to the way to fish with a student and his...
Argentina 2014
We arrived in Cordoba, Argentina on Tuesday, August 5th, having left Houston on Monday. We got through customs, and then on to the lodge. That trip was another two hours, but at the lodge, Eduardo met us with champagne and goodies to snack on. So it was 5...
Teaching in South Dakota
We finally got to Hunters Pointe Sporting Clays in Humboldt, South Dakota, 16 miles west of Sioux Falls. Tony Bour, the owner, had been trying to get us to come up there for two years but it just never worked out. So we squeezed it in...
Taking Time Off in Alaska
We're just returning from a vacation in Alaska. Vacation is not something we get to do, and this one was very special because we spent it with our daughter Andrea, her husband Tim, and most importantly, our granddaughter Avery. We spent a whole week away from...
Advance School #1
The first Advance Class was a true learning experience. We had some new faces and some repeaters, but it was a good mix, and a lot of "aha's" came about. Day One: Preloading and Finishing the Shot The theme was to preload the shot and finish the...
Advance School #2
We began this school with a lot of talk about peripheral acceptance of the gun farther and farther behind the gun. This is such a hard thing to do, as it's very uncomfortable. But the way to improve is to get very comfortable having the...