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NSSF Shares OSP Tips on Social Media

We are just back from the National Shooting Sports Foundation where Brian, Vicki, and I did some tips that NSSF will be putting up on all mediums – Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Some of them were the longer tips like I have done in the past, but many of them are a new shorter format for the other mediums. We can’t wait for them to be out there for all to see.

Brian has begun to do voiceovers on the new videos we are shooting with ShotKam 3. If you haven’t seen the videos in Knowledge Vault, check them out. They are incredible.

Our shooters who are watching the clay Kill Shot Reviews the night before and the morning of their practice, tournament, or hunt are telling us they are shooting incredible scores and getting their limit with fewer shells.

There will be new dove, pigeon, and duck shots coming soon. Check them out in the Vault, then email us and let us know your experiences!
