“A-ha” Moment
The Subconscious Takes Over Here's a comment from a student who finally realized this is not a gun/cartridge/glasses/lead game, but a brain game. He describes his "a-ha" moment when he made this discovery: Gil, As you already know, several moments could be classified as "a-ha" moments. However, I...
Kill Shot Review/Perceptive Cognitive Learning
I just got an email from Driscoll after a practice session at Caney Creek. He said he had been watching the kill shot reviews over and over before the practice session. And he said he shot lights out as if he had been training all...
The Second Day In Ohio
Well, the two shooters who went to two eyes shot out of their minds on the second day! One of them was shooting a high-rib Guerini and his eyes were easily 3/4" over the top of the already high rib. I got him to shoot a...
Learning to Shoot with Two Eyes
I had two shooters in a group yesterday in Ohio who exhibited cross-dominance problems. One was "right eyes and look at the gun." He complained about being in E class for way too long. The other shooter had tried to shoot with two eyes but failed. So...
Pushing Beyond the Limits
What Fear Does to You Just remember, fear in any non-life-threatening situation has never done you any good. When the fear emotion enters the computer, three things happen: Your trunk muscles freeze up, your hands speed up, and your eyes lose the ability to fixate. And you...
Practice is Different to Different People
Here's something you might want to consider. I will use our coaching experience as an example. We don't need to practice coaching anymore. But that does not mean that we stop learning. Younger shooters or shooters who have been competitive for 15-20 years don't have to practice...