Continuing Eye Issues
In April, we went to Iowa to teach the Scholastic Clay Target Program athletes and their coaches. I noticed that there was a blurry spot in my left eye, so when we returned to Fulshear, I called and went and saw my eye doctor. He tested...
Back to Normal – A Quick Update
It’s been a busy couple of months and it feels like we are getting back to normal and traveling to clinics again. We have been to Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado, South Carolina, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, and Tennessee. We’ve met a lot of nice folks and made...
Reflections from Cosner Reserve
It looks like people are getting back to some sense of normal. On our way to Sporting Clays at Cosner Reserve in Pelham, North Carolina, the airport was really crowded. There wasn’t a seat left on the airplane – and it was a brand-new plane, at...
Success in Des Moines
Gil and I just got back from Des Moines, Iowa where we were training the SCTP group and their coaches. What a great group of adults and athletes to be around. A big thank you to Larry Gay who is in charge of the group and took...
Random Practice on Single Targets
Random practice, as opposed to blocked practice, requires the brain to retrieve skill circuits from your long-term memory. While you don’t get the feel-good of shooting the same target over and over 20 times, you’re training your brain to retrieve on the spot, which it...
Shooters Who Want to Learn Too Fast
The more we watch the shooters we work with evolve, the better we get at communicating the little things that speed up that improvement. While each shooter is different, they all must make similar commitments to getting better. We have shooters who come to us who...
Thoughts on the Advance Class: New Moves and Nose on the Target
Just like the wind, March flew by way too fast. We had two Advance Schools this year and due to the COVID restrictions, only 12 people were allowed in the lodge at 74 Ranch. So, we had nine students and three instructors for two weeks. We...
Score Plateau: 93 and Above
Score Plateau: 93 and Above It’s hard to call 93 a “plateau.” Most shooters would love to be able to say they had plateaued at 93. But the sad truth is, few shooters have the commitment to do what it takes to get here. Because they...
Score Plateau: 83
Score Plateau: 83 You are here because you have a perfect gun mount that happens consistently without thought. You have stopped looking at the gun in the setup and down the gun during the shot. And you have stopped cutting your eyes looking for the target. This...