Three Myths of Skill Building
In studying skill-building we have come across something that we think you will find interesting as we did. The Three Myths of Skill-Building "Skill is Genetic." "She is a natural." "He was just born with a natural ability that few possess." While being tall can be an advantage in...
The Value of Practice & Training
The true value of practice and training is that they allow you to train your brain to anticipate farther and farther into the future. Repetition begins the process and detailed correction allows for it to improve. The most skillful person in the room is the one...
You Live in the Past!
You don’t know this because your brain lies to you and then covers up the lies, which is a good thing. If your brain didn’t fudge reality, you wouldn’t be able to hit a baseball, drive a car, or even carry on a conversation. It takes...
Learn From Your Own Failures
We temper our corrections with all of the things about the shooter in mind. This ability must be learned and honed from years of experience being wrong over and over again. Good judgment comes from bad judgment...
Why Pro Shooters Don’t Make Great Coaches
Why don't pro shooters make great coaches? They invariably try to get you to do and see what they do and see when they shoot. They believe that you can do it, but you can’t. More often than not, their correction for you is what their...
Don’t Let Your Opponent Outwork You!
You coach a beginner, encourage an intermediate, and share ideas with an advanced shooter. The shooters you are talking about are only missing two to six targets per 100, and the smart ones are still seeing their coaches regularly, which is how they got to be...
Learning with ShotKam
I go back to Doss and what we discovered last Christmas with his ShotKam. His picture was not stable. It was collapsing on all shots, which led to an inexplicable periodic slash at the end of his shot! Now, there are probably no other coaches who have my...
Pre-Mount in Routine
Our conclusions are typically drawn from how many times we have to make the same correction on thousands of students. Let's say an elite shooter came to me and asked for help. If that elite shooter did a pre-mount and did not seem to put the...
What is Your Choice?
Your optimism comes from your failures. Your determination comes from your attitude. Your confidence comes from your competence. Competence comes from your commitment. You become what you repeatedly do. So what is your choice? What one thing will you become passionate about to the point of excessiveness? If you want to...