Testimonial: “When you are a beginner everyone is an expert”
When you are a beginner, everyone is an expert. I just had to share this testimonial from Stephen with all of you: I bought a sporting shotgun back in February of this year to learn to shoot skeet, and the progression would then be on to...
Humans have a 3:1 Negativity Bias
Psychological research has shown that humans have a 3:1 negativity bias as our default setting in storing memories. The brain naturally stores negative memories faster and stronger than positive ones. Neuroscience and evolution give us a simple explanation. It was much more important to remember danger...
Become Present with your Senses
Through an awareness of your senses, your goal is to become present with your senses before you close the gun and call “pull.” By trial and error in practice, you determine which senses you as an individual can count on when everything is on the line....
Smiling Relaxes Tension!
Smiling relaxes tension in your jaw! Smiling with your shoulders back and stand-up posture releases DHEA into your system which is a good thing for performance. The idea is simple and powerful. When you’re present to something you can feel, hear, visualize, smell, or taste, you disengage...
Mastering Quartering Shots
Playing too close to the target will make you aware of how forgiving it really is to let it come. With our system, crossers are dead easy. It’s quartering targets you need to master. Spend some time there. Big deep shots followed by slow or fast...
Short-Term Memory Confuses the Brain
If you are thinking, you are in your short-term memory and confusing the brain. The more you can chunk the circuits, the more it allows you to shoot without thinking. This also allows the brain to know exactly what circuit you are asking it to use...
Having a Growth Mindset
Shooters with a growth mindset don’t care about failing. They actually look forward to learning from all their failures and always look forward to training and getting better. The person with a growth mindset will never worry about being seen as good or smart, nor will...
Clear Mental Representation
Shooters who don’t have a clear Mental Representation (MR) of the shot at hand could flinch, slash the muzzle, stop the swing and lose focus for any number of other reasons! A football game is just a confusing jumble of people running in rambling directions if...
Playing the Game – Coaching Hour Podcast
If you have not listened to the June Coaching Hour podcast, do so and implement the new practice procedure called “Playing the Game!” Shooters who are using this practice technique are shooting incredible scores. They're telling us that forcing the brain to implement a more detailed...
Attitude Plays a Big Role!
Attitude plays a big role in performances and practice. We see shooters who are practicing just trying to break the target. Closing the gun and chasing the target and trying to fix it at the end does not build desirable long-term memory. In reality, it builds...